Apple’s revenues –which it recently forecast would grow to $52 billion – makes its fundamentals attractive enough to lure back skeptical investors. For that reason, Brian White, analyst at Topeka Capital Markets, thinks the stock could soon vault above $1000 per share once the pessimism lifts. Read More
Doug Kass: Time to Buy Apple Again link
UBS hardware analyst Steve Millunovich today reiterates a Buy rating on shares of Apple link
ITZ has suggested buying Apple at several levels since May as a long term core holding in 1/4 position increments: May 17th $539; July 23rd $588; July 25th $572 & recently Oct 9th $626.
Also having traded call options.
Chart below looks at Apple's cash position & ex-cash valuation, currently at extreme low valuations.
click on chart to expand image
Past ITZ Apple posts:
Apple Update: Q4 Earnings Report
Apple Pre-Earnings Outlook 10-6-12
Apple Misses Earnings...Now What?
BOUGHT 1/4 position April $650 call options for $15
add to call position should $AAPL test $540
added 2nd 1/4 position on call options @ $14
Let's see if $535 gets retested...currently 1/2 position on April $650 call options cost basis $14.50
$AAPL $544.30 lets set stop on April $650 calls $14.75
set stop @ $15 on call options use $0.25 trailing stop
set stop now to $15.25, currently $15.40 bid/$15.60 ask stock nearing $548 resistance next test $554
Was stopped out @ $15.25 on call options +$0.75 +5.2%
Re-entering April $650 call options this morning 1/4 position @ $13
added 1/4 position $13.25
Place sell @ $13.60 on calls
Sold calls @ $13.60 +$0.47 +3.6%
Re-entering calls 1/4 position @ $13 on open
add to call option postion on break above $550, sell on break below $541
Apple broke under $541 exited 1/4 position initiated earlier @ $12, $1.00 loss
re-entering April $650 calls with 1/4 position $11.30
looking to add 1/4 position on April $650 calls under $10 prior to close...will post
Added to Apple April calls 1/4 position $8.30
Added to call position on reversal $9 remaining 1/4 position:
Recap>> $11.30;$10;$8.30 & $9= avg cost $9.65
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